Monday, March 2, 2009

The importance of laughter

One thing about our 2 daughters is that they laugh constantly! I'm not talking about the pity laugh you get as a parent when your child is placating you, but the all-out belly laugh, usually brought on by the eating of tummies, or the chasing around the house threatening to tickle until they can't talk anymore. Granted, I've also received the "yeah mom, that was funny" by my 3-year old, but she'll laugh at almost anything. I've realized that their love of laughter has made them hilarious little people. Laughter eases the system, making just about everything easier. It expends energy, making kids tired (and adults too), it releases happy signals, and most importantly, it eases the body. Imagine trying to read a book or enjoy a movie when you're mad - your mind is probably stuck on what made you mad in the first place, distracting you from the joy you could be experiencing. Now, imagine reading a book or watching a movie when someone is telling corny jokes or tickling you - distracting, of course, but much more enjoyable.

My husband is a genius at getting our 3-year old to laugh. If she's refusing to eat dinner, or change her clothes, or get in the tub, or brush her teeth, or stay in her bed, or put on her shoes (you get the picture), he can make her laugh just by giving her a look. Immediately, she does what we want, because her stubborness has been replaced by happy feelings. A lot of parents lose their temper, and get their kids to do what they want by yelling (myself included at times). But I've learned that power struggles between a parent and a 3-year old are never fun - and we only win by default, because we're bigger and make the rules. However, just by changing the focus from yelling to laughing can make anything easier. Have you ever gotten into a fight with your partner or spouse, and been steaming mad, when all of a sudden, you let out a burp, or trip on your own foot, or say something completely ridiculous, leading to uncontrollable laughter? Do you go back to the fight, or do you both laugh about it, and make up - even just a little. That's my point - ease the system - laugh a little, laugh a lot, just laugh. Every day - laugh.

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